Wednesday, September 8, 2010



it's been a while.

But I'm gonna take my virtual walk of shame like a Woman. I'll slink back into my interweb home(page) with last nights loubotins in one hand and a sequin clutch that is totally inappropriate for the AM hrs in the other hand.

Try to avert your eyes and act like it's ok that I haven't posted to The Show in roughly 3 months.


because you've been there. I kno b/c every walk of shamer locks eyes with another of his kind (shirt tail out, strategicly blotted out cabernet stain, places that lipstick shouldn't be).

Dont worry. It wont happen again. So what, I had a little trist with the summer time: rooftop openbars, outdoor concerts, festivals, last minute flights to chicago, summer romances and such. I've been neglecting you. But I'm back to my senses now.

I promise I'll never leave you again!

...Till Christmas

luv, Love, LOVE!